Display Hidden Drivers

There are times when you'll need to manually remove old, obsolete, hidden (phantom) drivers from your system. Looking in Device Manager does not show all the installed drivers, just the ones that are configurable by the GUI. To force your system to display these old and hidden drivers, follow these steps:

 1. Go to Control Panel and double click on 'System'
 2. Go to the 'Advanced' tab and click 'Environment Variables'
 3. In the 'System Variables' section click on the 'New' button
 4. In the 'New System Variable' dialog box enter
 5. Give it a Variable Value of 1
 6. Click 'OK'
 7. In the 'System Properties' window click 'OK'
 8. Log off the computer then log back on
 9. Open 'Device Manager'
10. From the View menu click 'Show Hidden Devices'